Alexander Hamilton: Father of American Finance.

Alexander Hamilton: Father of American Finance.

By Drew Mercantini | February 20, 2023 | Comments Off on Alexander Hamilton: Father of American Finance.

Born in the mid-1700s in relative poverty, Alexander Hamilton rose to prominence as one of America’s founding fathers and the first treasury secretary of the United States. He founded the nation’s financial system, the Federalist Party, the United States Coast Guard, the New York Post newspaper, and he was the main author of the economic…

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In the News – Rare Jack Kerouac Interview Manuscript

In the News – Rare Jack Kerouac Interview Manuscript

By Adrienne Raptis | August 25, 2020 | Comments Off on In the News – Rare Jack Kerouac Interview Manuscript

Raptis Rare Books was recently mentioned in the Times Literary Supplement with regard to a rare Jack Kerouac manuscript that we currently have in stock: Where would we be without literary journals? There are the fancy ones, like Granta, n+1, the Dublin Review, all of which have their allure. But those we like most have…

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