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First edition of James Goodwin's Burwash and the Sussex Weald
GOODWIN, James [Rudyard Kipling].
Burwash and the Sussex Weald. (“An English History in Miniature.”).
Turnbridge Wells: Printed for the Author by The Courier Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd., n.d.
First edition of work on the history and landscape of the Sussex Weald where Rudyard Kipling resided from 1902 until his death in 1936. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated. In very good condition.
Price: $25.00 Item Number: 136107
First Edition of My Brother, Ernest Hemingway
HEMINGWAY, Leicester [Ernest Hemingway].
My Brother, Ernest Hemingway.
Cleveland and New York: The World Publishing Company, 1962.
First edition of this intimate work on Ernest Hemingway by his brother. Octavo, original cloth, frontispiece, illustrated. In near fine condition.
Price: $25.00 Item Number: 147692
"Peace is always preferable... but war is news": First edition of Israel at War
ERED, E; Ch. Yaniv; N. May-Tal [Editors].
Israel at War: June 5-10, 1967 A Pictorial Record.
London: Vallentine Mitchell & Co Ltd, 1967.
First edition of this pictorial record of the Six-Day War. Quarto, original half cloth, illustrated with photographs. Very good in a very good dust jacket. Jacket design by Jesse Zierler.
Price: $30.00 Item Number: 126941
First Edition of Lionel Tiger's The Pursuit of Pleasure; Inscribed by Him
TIGER, Lionel.
The Pursuit of Pleasure.
Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1992.
First edition of this work by the famed anthropologist. Octavo, original half cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "To William Rogers I hope this provides you pleasure! Lionel Tiger." Near fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Steve Snider.
Price: $30.00 Item Number: 117834
First Edition of Herblock Special Report; Inscribed by Him
BLOCK, Herbert.
Herblock Special Report.
New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc, 1974.
First edition of this work by the cartoonist. Octavo, original half cloth, illustrated. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper, "For Jeff Cohen with best wishes of Herb Block." Near fine in a very good price-clipped dust jacket. Jacket design by Bob Antler.
Price: $30.00 Item Number: 88110
“Either war is finished, or we are": First Edition of War and Remembrance
WOUK, Herman.
War and Remembrance.
Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1978.
First edition of Wouk's sequel to The Winds of War. Thick octavo, original half cloth. Fine in a near fine price-clipped dust jacket.
Price: $35.00 Item Number: 146719
First Edition of David Fromkin's The Way of the World
The Way of the World: From the Dawn of Civilizations to the Eve of the Twenty-first Century.
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1999.
First edition of the award-winning author's map of universal history. Octavo, original navy blue half cloth. Fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Chip Kidd. Jacket photograph by Alfred W. Cook. Author photograph by Jerry Bauer.
Price: $35.00 Item Number: 145172
First edition of James Dugan's The Great Mutiny
DUGAN, James.
The Great Mutiny.
New York: G. P. Putnams Sons, 1965.
First edition of the author's account of one of the few successful military mutinies in recorded history. Octavo, original cloth, cartographic endpapers, top edge red. Near fine in a very good dust jacket.
Price: $40.00 Item Number: 119226
First Edition of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's The Oak and the Calf
SOLZHENITSYN, Aleksandr I; Translated by Harry Willetts.
The Oak and the Calf: Sketches of Literary Life in the Soviet Union.
New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1980.
First edition of the memoir of one of the great novelists of our time. Octavo, original orange cloth. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Irving Bogen. Author photograph by Eric Bachmann.
Price: $40.00 Item Number: 145197
"Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam, we've all been there": First Edition of the Everyman's Library of Dispatches
HERR, Michael.
New York: Everyman's Library, 2009.
First edition of the everyman's library of "the best book to have been written about the Vietnam War" (The New York Times Book Review). Octavo, original cloth. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Introduction by Robert Stone.
Price: $40.00 Item Number: 147185
Dorothy Meserve Kunhardt and Bruce Catton's Twenty Days
KUNHARDT, Dorothy Meserve; Bruce Catton.
Twenty Days: A Narrative in Text and Pictures of the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the Twenty Days and Nights that Followed – The Nation in Mourning, the Long Trip Home to Springfield.
Secaucus, NJ: Castle Books, 1977.
Later edition of this incredibly detailed snapshot of American history based on eyewitness accounts. Quarto, original boards, illustrated throughout with over three hundred black and white drawings, paintings, and photographs from the photographic collection of Frederick Hill Meserve. Near fine in a very good dust jacket. Jacket design by Brendan F. Mulvey.
Price: $40.00 Item Number: 146571
"For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others": First Edition of Prisoner In The Garden
MANDELA, Nelson.
Prisoner In The Garden.
London: Viking, 2005.
First edition of this work dedicated to Mandela's archive. Octavo, original boards, illustrated throughout. Fine in a fine dust jacket.
Price: $40.00 Item Number: 138566
First Edition of Solzhenitsyn' Lenin in Zurich
SOLZHENITSYN, Alexander [Solzhenitzyn].
Lenin In Zurich.
New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1976.
First edition of Solzhenitsyn's account of Russian revolutionary history. Octavo, original cloth. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Muriel Nasser. Translated from the Russian by H.T. Willetts.
Price: $40.00 Item Number: 147489
"I simply raise the curtain on the human comedy I have witnessed, and present what I have seen, and heard, often in whispers and asides": First edition of Paul Johnson's Brief Lives
Brief Lives.
Hutchinson: London, 2010.
First edition of this personal portrait of the twentieth century. Octavo, original black boards. Fine in a near fine dust jacket. Author portrait by Catrina Bovill.
Price: $40.00 Item Number: 145153
First edition of Beryl Bainbridge's Watson's Apology
Watson’s Apology.
London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd., 1984.
First edition of the award-winning author's investigation of the Stockwell Murder. Octavo, original cloth. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket.
Price: $40.00 Item Number: 126810
First Edition of Sorche Nic Leodhas' Claymore and Kilt
LEODHAS, Sorche Nic [LeClaire Gowans Alger].
Claymore and Kilt.
New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967.
First edition of Sorche Leodhas' beloved collection of historical tales, never before recorded. Octavo, original half cloth. Very good in a very good price-clipped dust jacket. Jacket design by Leo and Diane Dillon.
Price: $40.00 Item Number: 137529
"If what you have done yesterday still looks big to you, you haven't done much today": First Edition Of Mikhail Gorbachevs Memoirs
New York: Doubleday, 1996.
First edition of Gorbachev's autobiography. Octavo, original half cloth, illustrated with photographs, Foreward by Martin McCauley. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Mario J. Pulice. Jacket photograph by Eddie Adams.
Price: $50.00 Item Number: 145194
First Edition of Golda Meir's A Land of Our Own: An Oral Autobiography
MEIR, Golda; Edited by Marie Syrkin.
A Land of Our Own: An Oral Autobiography.
New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1973.
First edition of this oral autobiography by the former prime minister of Israel. Octavo, original black cloth. Near fine in a very good dust jacket. Jacket design by Honi Werner.
Price: $50.00 Item Number: 146605
First Edition of Patrick Leigh Fermor's Between the Woods and the Water
FERMOR, Patrick Leigh.
Between the Woods and the Water.
London: John Murray, 1986.
First British edition of the author's second book in the author's trilogy that began with A Time of Gifts. Octavo, original cloth. Near fine in a fine price-clipped dust jacket, name to the front free endpaper. Jacket design by John Craxton.
Price: $50.00 Item Number: 110261
First Edition Collection of Bruce Catton's American Heritage: The Magazine of History
CATTON, Bruce.
American Heritage: The Magazine of History.
New York: American Heritage Publishing Co, 1954-1958.
First edition collection of this historical magazine. Quarto, 6 volumes, original pictorial boards, illustrated throughout with photographs and drawings, the collection consists of: Volume. VI No. 1 (December 1954); Volume. VII No. 6 (October 1956); Volume VIII No. 6 (October 1957); Volume IX No. 3 (April 1958); Volume IX No. 6 (October 1958); Volume X No. 1 (December 1958). In very good condition.
Price: $50.00 Item Number: 146066
First Edition of Aung San Suu Kyi's of Freedom from Fear
KYI, Aung San Suu .
Freedom From Fear and Other Writings.
New York: Viking, 1991.
First edition of this collection of writings by the Nobel Prize winner. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Edited by Michael Aris.
Price: $50.00 Item Number: 141439
"The sea drama of the century" (Sir Francis Chichester): First edition of Nicholas Tomalin and Ron Hall's The Strange Voyage of Donald Crowhurst
TOMALIN, Nicholas and Ron Hall.
The Strange Voyage of Donald Crowhurst.
London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1970.
First edition of the Sunday Times journalists' classic retelling of Crowhurst's tragic and entirely fabricated round-the-world yacht race. Octavo, original boards, pictorial endpapers, illustrated with numerous photographs, charts, and maps. Fine in a near fine price-clipped dust jacket. Jacket design by David Stanfield.
Price: $50.00 Item Number: 115401
First Edition of David McCullough's The Pioneers
The Pioneers.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 2019.
First edition of this work by the Pulitzer Prize-winning historian. Octavo, original boards. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Jackie Seow.
Price: $50.00 Item Number: 147398
Philip B. Kunhardt, Jr., Philip III and Peter Kunhardt's Lincoln: An Illustrated Biography
KUNHARDT JR, Philip B; Philip B. Kunhardt III; Peter W. Kunhardt; Foreword by David Herbert Donald; Contributing Writer Daniel Terris.
Lincoln: An Illustrated Biography.
New York: Gramercy Books, 1992.
First edition, early printing of this photographic biography of the sixteenth president of the United States of America. Quarto, original brown boards, illustrated throughout with over seven hundred photographs and daguerreotypes, prints, and political cartoons. Near fine in a very good dust jacket. Jacket design by Archie Ferguson.
Price: $50.00 Item Number: 146572
First Edition of Graham Greene's Lord Rochester's Monkey Being The Life Of John Wilmot, Second Earl Of Rochester
GREENE, Graham .
Lord Rochester’s Monkey Being The Life Of John Wilmot, Second Earl Of Rochester.
London: Bodley Head, 1974.
First British edition of this work on John Wilmot. Quarto, original cloth, illustrated. Fine in a near fine price-clipped dust jacket.
Price: $50.00 Item Number: 48748
First Edition of Charles Madison's American Labor Leaders; Inscribed by Him
MADISON, Charles A.
American Labor Leaders: Personalities and Forces in the Labor Movement.
New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1950.
First edition of this work on American labor leaders. Octavo, original cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper in the year of publication, "To Hod and Helen In friendship Charles A. Madison 5-11-50." Near fine in a good dust jacket with some small chips and tears.
Price: $50.00 Item Number: 47071
First Edition of Thomas Flanagan's The End of the Hunt; Inscribed by Him in the year of publication
The End of the Hunt.
New York: Dutton, 1994.
First edition of the final novel in the author's acclaimed trilogy. Octavo, original half cloth, cartographic endpapers. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page in the year of publication, "For Karl- with the very good wishes of Rob's friend, Tom Flanagan June 1994." Fine in a fine dust jacket.
Price: $50.00 Item Number: 104779
"Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody": First Modern Library Edition of the death and life of great american cities
The Death And Life of Great American Cities.
New York: The Modern Library , 1993.
First Modern Library edition of the author's masterpiece. Octavo, original cloth. Fine in a fine dust jacket.
Price: $50.00 Item Number: 145661
Eddie Rickenbacker's Seven Came Through
RICKENBACKER, Captain Edward V.
Seven Came Through: Rickenbacker’s Full Story Including His Message to America.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran and Company, Inc, 1943.
First edition, early printing of Rickenbacker's autobiography. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated. Near fine in a very good price-clipped dust jacket.
Price: $50.00 Item Number: 145973
First Edition of Shades of Difference; Padraig O’Malley
MAHARAJ, Mac] O'Malley.
Shades of Difference: Mac Maharaj and the Struggle For South Africa.
New York: Viking, 2007.
First edition of this work on apartheid activist Mac Maharaj. Octavo, original half cloth. Signed by Padraig O’Malley. Fine in a fine dust jacket.
Price: $55.00 Item Number: 3557
First edition of George Edgar Turner's Victory Rode the Rails: The Strategic Place of Railroads in the Civil War
TURNER, George Edgar.
Victory Rode the Rails: The Strategic Place of Railroads in the Civil War.
Indianapolis and New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc, 1953.
First edition of Turner's work on the role of the American railroad system in the military campaigns of the Civil War. Octavo, original cloth, cartographic endpapers, illustrated with photographs and maps by George Richard Turner. Near fine in a very good price-clipped dust jacket. Ownership inscription.
Price: $60.00 Item Number: 133073
"People have been making war for thousands of years, but each time it is as if it is the first war ever waged, as if everyone has started from scratch": First Edition of Ryszard KAPUŚCIŃSKI's The Soccer War
The Soccer War.
London: Granta Books, 1990.
First edition of this remarkable eye-witness account of "the emergence of the Third World," translated from the original Polish by William Brand. Octavo, original boards. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket, small name to the front free endpaper.
Price: $65.00 Item Number: 146973
First edition of Jim Lehrer's The Special Prisoner; inscribed by him to legendary American journalist William Safire
LEHRER, Jim [William Safire].
The Special Prisoner.
New York: Random House, 2000.
First edition, second printing of Lehrer's fascinating war story. Octavo, original cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page, "To Helene & Bill - With love & affection J." The recipient, William Safire was an important American author, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist, journalist, and presidential speechwriter. He joined Nixon’s campaign in the 1960 Presidential race, and again in 1968. Following Nixon’s 1968 victory, Safire served as a presidential speechwriter for both Nixon and Vice President Spiro Agnew. He was a frequent guest on Meet The Press, describing himself as the voice of “libertarian conservatives” and authored several political…
Price: $75.00 Item Number: 135274
George Ward Nichols' The Story of the Great March
NICHOLS, George Ward.
The Story of the Great March. From the Diary of a Staff Officer.
New York: Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 1866.
Early printing of Nichols' account of the Savannah Campaign. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated with charts and maps, one folding. In good condition.
Price: $75.00 Item Number: 133029
First Edition of William Rehnquist's Grand Inquests
Grand Inquests: The Historic Impeachments of Justice Samuel Chase and President Andrew Johnson.
New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc, 1992.
First edition, review copy with the photograph of Rehnquist and review material laid in of this account of two of the most significant trials and "cases" in American legal and political history. Octavo, original cloth. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Dick Adelson.
Price: $75.00 Item Number: 147306
First Edition of Nathan Glazer's From a Cause to a Style: Modernist Architecture's Encounter with the American City; Inscribed by Him
GLAZER, Nathan.
From a Cause to a Style: Modernist Architecture’s Encounter with the American City.
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007.
First edition of this work by the co-author of The Lonely Crowd. Octavo, original half cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author on the title page in the year of publication, "To Chris and Kathy, Dear friends and neighbors! Nathan May 3, 2007." Fine in a fine dust jacket.
Price: $75.00 Item Number: 44001
First Edition of Richard Nixon's Six Crises
NIXON, Richard.
Six Crises.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, 1962.
First edition of Nixon's first book, a summary of how he was tested in his public life up to the time of losing the 1960 Presidential election. Octavo, original cloth. Facsimile signature of Nixon to the front free endpaper. Near fine in a near fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Sydney Butchkes. Photograph by Philippe Halsman. A sharp example.
Price: $75.00 Item Number: 147255
Limited First Edition of A Turn in the South; Signed by Nobel Prize-winning Author V.S. Naipaul
A Turn in the South.
Franklin Center, Pennsylvania: The Franklin Library, 1989.
Signed limited first edition of captivating travelogue of the American South, privately printed exclusively for members of The Signed First Edition Society. Octavo, Smyth-sewn and bound in full top-grain leather specially processed for fine books by the Cromwell Leather Company with gilt titles and tooling to the spine in four compartments within raised bands, gilt decoration to the front and rear panels, all edges gilt, silk ribbon laid in, marbled endpapers, frontispiece by Bart Forbes specially commissioned by The Franklin Press for this first edition. Signed by V.S. Naipaul on the front flyleaf. In fine condition.
Price: $75.00 Item Number: 147061
First Edition of Murder City: The Bloody History of Chicago in the Twenties; Signed by Michael Lesy
LESY, Michael.
Murder City: The Bloody History of Chicago in the Twenties.
New York: Norton, 2007.
First Edition. Octavo, black cloth with gilted titles to the spine. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Signed by Michael Lesy on the half title page.
Price: $75.00 Item Number: 799
First Edition of Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius; Signed by Sylvia Nasar
NASAR, Sylvia.
Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 2011.
First edition of this sweeping narrative. Octavo, original boards. Signed and dated by Sylvia Nasar on the title page. Fine in a fine dust jacket.
Price: $75.00 Item Number: 47016
First Edition of Chicago by the Book: 101 Publications That Shaped the City and Its Image
Chicago by the Book: 101 Publications That Shaped the City and Its Image.
Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2018.
First edition of this work which compiles 101 landmark publications about Chicago from the past 170 years that have helped define the city and its image. Quarto, original boards, illustrated. Fine in a near fine dust jacket. Introduction by Neil Harris.
Price: $75.00 Item Number: 140239
“Lord, grant that I may always be right, for Thou knowest I am hard to turn": First Edition of Truman
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992.
First edition of the historian's first Pulitzer Prize-winning work. Octavo, original half cloth, illustrated. Fine in a fine dust jacket. Jacket and illustration design by Wendell Minor.
Price: $75.00 Item Number: 145614
"We were then strung out in a six-mile line, thirty ships, all heading westwards": First edition of Rudyard Kipling's A Fleet in Being
KIPLING, Rudyard.
A Fleet in Being: Notes on Two Trips with the Channel Squadron.
London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1898.
First edition of this collection of articles written by Kipling when he joined the fleet of the Royal Navy at sea in 1898. Octavo, original illustrated cloth. In very good condition. Cover illustration by Norman Wilkinson.
Price: $75.00 Item Number: 121444
"The sole revenge that maturity can take upon youth for the sin of being young is to preach to it": First edition of Rudyard Kipling's Independence: Rectorial Address Delivered at St. Andrews, October 10, 1923
KIPLING, Rudyard.
Independence: Rectorial Address Delivered at St. Andrews, October 10, 1923.
London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1923.
First English edition of Kipling's October 1923 address delivered to the students of St. Andrews discussing the challenges and necessity of individuality and independence. Octavo, original wrappers. In very good condition.
Price: $75.00 Item Number: 123116
First Edition of The English: A Portrait of a People; Signed by Jeremy Paxman in the year of publication
PAXMAN, Jeremy.
The English: A Portrait of a People.
London: Michael Joseph, 1998.
First edition of this portrait of English history and culture. Octavo, original cloth. Signed and dated by the author in the year of publication on the title page, "Jeremy Paxman 19.x.98." Fine in a fine dust jacket.
Price: $75.00 Item Number: 146933
First Edition of Norman Podhoretz's World War IV: The Long Struggle Against Islamofascism; Signed by Him
World War IV: The Long Struggle Against Islamofascism.
New York: Doubleday , 2007.
First edition. Octavo, original half cloth. Signed by Norman Podhoretz on the title page. Fine in a fine dust jacket.
Price: $75.00 Item Number: 33023
First Edition of Henry A. Wallace's Democracy Reborn
WALLACE, Henry A; Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Russell Lord.
Democracy Reborn.
London: Hammond, Hammond & Co. Ltd, 1945.
First English edition of this work on democratic politics. Octavo, original tan cloth, frontispiece portrait of the author, illustrated with black and white plates. In very good condition with toning to the spine, front and rear panels.
Price: $75.00 Item Number: 146243
"The sole revenge that maturity can take upon youth for the sin of being young is to preach to it": First edition of Rudyard Kipling's Independence: Rectorial Address Delivered at St. Andrews, October 10, 1923
KIPLING, Rudyard.
Independence: Rectorial Address Delivered at St. Andrews, October 10, 1923.
London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1923.
First edition of Kipling's October 1953 address delivered to the students of St. Andrews discussing the challenges and necessity of individuality and independence. Octavo, bound in full cloth with gilt titles to the front panel. In near fine condition.
Price: $80.00 Item Number: 135674
First Edition of James Tobin's Policies For Prosperity: Essays in a Keynesian Mode
TOBIN, James.
Policies For Prosperity: Essays in a Keynesian Mode.
Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1987.
First edition of this collection of essays by the Nobel Prize-winning economist. Octavo, original cloth. Fine in a fine dust jacket.
Price: $85.00 Item Number: 116781
First Edition of John Baxter's Locker Room Ballads; Inscribed by Him
Locker Room Ballads.
New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1923.
First edition of this collection of verses. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated. Inscribed by the author on the front free endpaper in the year of publication, "To C.D. Stimson with the compliments of the author, John E. Baxter 12/24/23." Near fine in a good dust jacket with a chip to the front panel. Illustrated by James Montgomery Flagg.
Price: $85.00 Item Number: 65472
Scarce Printing of the Reports of the Experts Submitted to the Joint Palestine Survey Commission
Reports of the Experts Submitted to the Joint Palestine Survey Commission.
Boston: Daniels Printing Co, 1928.
Scarce printing of this collection of reports on agricultural colonization, labor, and public health. Octavo, original wrappers, rebacked, illustrated with black and white photographs, in-line and folding maps, and in-line and folding tables. In very good condition with rubbing, institutional stamps to the title page and final page of text.
Price: $95.00 Item Number: 146828
First Edition of Capitalism, Communism and Coexistence; Inscribed by John Kenneth Galbraith
GALBRAITH, John Kenneth & Stanislav Menshikov.
Capitalism, Communism and Coexistence: From A Bitter Past To A Better Prospect.
Cambridge, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1988.
First edition of this work by the famed economist. Octavo, original half cloth. Presentation copy, inscribed by the author in the year of publication to a Vermont friend and publisher, "For Carol with love John G 1988." Fine in a fine dust jacket.
Price: $95.00 Item Number: 1601
First Edition of The Fiscal System of Venezuela; Inscribed by Carl Shoup
SHOUP, Carl S.
The Fiscal System of Venezuela: A Report.
Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1959.
First edition. Octavo, original cloth. Inscribed by Carl Shoup on the front free endpaper, "To A.R. Ilersic with regards- C.S. Shoup." Also laid in a signed letter from Shoup to the same recipient. Fine in a near fine price-clipped dust jacket. Edited by Carl S. Shoup. Contributors include John F. Due, Lyle C. Fitch, Sir Donald McDougall, Oliver S. Oldman and Stanley S. Surrey.
Price: $95.00 Item Number: 75023
Taylor Branch's Pillar of Fire; Inscribed by Him
BRANCH, Taylor. [Martin Luther King Jr.].
Pillar of Fire: America in the King Years 1963-65.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998.
First edition, early printing of the second book of the author's epic trilogy on Martin Luther King, Jr. and the American Civil Rights Movement. Octavo, original half cloth, illustrated. Presentation copy, inscribed on a bookplate, "For Gail Mitchum Taylor Branch 2002." Fine in a fine dust jacket. Jacket design by Jack Seow.
Price: $100.00 Item Number: 140029