History, Law, and Politics
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Rare 19th century example of Johnson's Map of Florida
WARD, Benjamin P. and Alvin Jewett Johnson.
Johnson’s Map of Florida.
New York: Johnson and Ward, c. 1866.
Rare 19th century example of Johnson's famed post-Civil War era map of the state of Florida. One page, the hand-colored lithographic map depicts the state in full with color coding according to county shortly following the close of the American Civil War with references to towns, railroads, villages, depots, swamps, the territories of Native American tribes, forts and battle sites related to the Seminole Wars, Lake Okeechobee, the Everglades, Indian Hunting Grounds between Fort Poinsett and Key Biscayne Bay, Tampa Bay and the Okefenokee Swamp. Additionally notes the course of a proposed canal route leading from Tampa to the Atlantic…
Price: $1,800.00 Item Number: 138512
"let those who are really inclinable to buy, come forward, like men that are in earnest, and say what they will give": Rare Autograph Letter Signed by George Washington as the First President of the United States of America
George Washington Autograph Letter Signed.
January 24, 1790.
Rare autograph letter signed by George Washington as the first President of the United States. Quarto, one page, the letter reads in full, "New York Jany 24th 1790 Sir Capt. Burnett delivered me your letter of the 18th and is so obliging as to take charge of this answer - It is my sincere opinion that the land mentioned in it is worth what I asked for it--to wit four dollars per acre and once would have sold for it; but if, in the present scarcity of cash it rather fetch that sum, let those who are really inclinable to…
Price: $65,000.00 Item Number: 141583
Rare Typed Letter Signed by Theodore Roosevelt
ROOSEVELT, Theodore.
Theodore Roosevelt Typed Letter Signed.
New York: February 8, 1899.
Theodore Roosevelt typed letter signed to Thomas T. Sherman. One page on State of New York Executive Chamber stationary, the letter reads, "Feby. 8th, 1899. Thomas T. Sherman, 52 Wall St., N.Y. City. My dear Mr. Sherman: - I have your letter of the 7thst in reference to General Varnum and assure you it will have my careful consideration. Very sincerely yours, Theodore Roosevelt." In very good condition. Matted and framed. The letter measures 5.9 inches by 7.8 inches. The entire piece measures 11.9 inches by 13.5 inches.
Price: $1,250.00 Item Number: 145340
"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind": Photograph of Neil Armstrong; Signed by Him
Neil Armstrong Signed Photograph.
Original color photograph of Neil Armstrong, boldly inscribed by him. Double matted and framed. The entire piece measures 15.25 inches by 13.25 inches.
Price: $2,500.00 Item Number: 101188
"Keep true to the dreams of thy youth": The Connoisseur Edition of the Works of Schiller; One of only 150 sets; Bound in Full Morocco
SCHILLER, Friedrich.
The Works of Friedrich Schiller.
Boston: Francis A. Niccolls, c.1900.
Finely bound example of the Connoisseur edition of the works of Schiller, number 34 of only 150 sets printed. Octavo, 10 volumes, bound in full red morocco, ornate gilt tooling to the spine, with pastedowns of red leather borders and central green morocco panel, with floral decorations at the corners and a central gilt sprig of flowers, plates in two states, printed on laid paper with deckled edges. Bookplates on versos of the moire green silk endpapers of New York industrialist John K. MacGowan. In fine condition. An exceptional set.
Price: $7,500.00 Item Number: 129287
Rare early printing of Richard Hooker's monumental Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Politie
HOOKER, Richard.
Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Politie. [Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity].
London: Printed by William Standbye, [1622].
Early printing of this important work by the influential English theologian. Quarto, quarter morocco with gilt titles and ruling to the spine in seven compartments within raised bands, red morocco spine label lettered in gilt, engraved title, divisional titles, and woodcut initials. In very good condition. Bookplate and period ownership inscription. Rare.
Price: $4,000.00 Item Number: 130372
First edition of William Dennison Bickham's Rosecrans' Campaign with the Fourteenth Army Corps
BICKHAM, William Dennison.
Rosecrans’ Campaign with the Fourteenth Army Corps, of the Army of the Cumberland: A Narrative of Personal Observations, with a Appendix, Consisting of Official Reports of the Battle of Stone River.
Cincinnati: Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co, Moore, Wilstach, Keys & Co..
First edition of William Dennison Bickham's Civil War memoir. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated. In good condition. Ex-library.
Price: $100.00 Item Number: 132443
Rare printing of the Acts Passed at the First Session of the Ninth Congress of the United States including Miami and Pottawatomie Indian Treaties
Acts Passed at the First Session of the Ninth Congress of the United States…Begun and Held at the City of Washington, in the Territory of Columbia, on Monday, the second of December, 1875.
Rare printing of the Acts Passed at the First Session of the Ninth Congress of the United States including Indian treaties with the Creek, Cherokee, Delaware, Pottawatomie, Miami Indian tribes. Octavo, bound in contemporary wrappers. The Ninth Congress of the United States was a significant legislative Congress which passed the first laws abolishing importation of slaves in its second session. In very good condition.
Price: $450.00 Item Number: 135321
"Extremely secret forbidden tax and customs anti-spy...": Rare Japanese Spy Manual
Japanese Spy Manual.
Wuhan: c.1940s-1950s.
Rare Japanese spy manual. Octavo, original wrappers printed in black and red, illustrated with photos of spy gadgets and techniques to hide them on one's person or search for them on a suspected spy. In very good condition.
Price: $2,000.00 Item Number: 145396
Rare Engraved Hand-Colored Map of the Holy Land by Dutch Cartographer Jan Jansson
Iudaeae seu Terrae Israelis Tabula Geographica in qua Locorum in Veteri et Novo Testamento celebratissimorum Situs accurate descripti arte facta a Tilemanno Stella Sigenesi [Holy Land Map].
Amsterdam: c. 1680.
Hand-colored engraved map of Judea, or the Land of Israel. One page, the map shows Judea with borders in color. The hand-colored title cartouche is flanked by Moses with the Ten Commandments on the left and the Jewish prophet Aaron with his jeweled breastplate and censer on the right. In the opposite corner, another cartouche depicts two spies carrying a branch of grapes from the Valley of Eshkol. In near fine condition with loss to the top corner. The piece measures 18 inches by 14 inches. An exceptional map, suitable for framing.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 145576
Supreme Court Justice Photograph Signed by Justices Warren Burger, William Rehnquist, William J. Brennan, Thurgood Marshall, Potter Stewart, Lewis Franklin Powell, Jr., William O. Douglas, Harry Blackmun, and Bryon White
BURGER, Warren; William Rehnquist; William J. Brennan; Thurgood Marshall; Potter Stewart; Lewis Franklin Powell; William O. Douglas; Harry Blackmun; and Bryon White.
Warren E. Burger Supreme Court Signed Photograph.
Large photograph of the Burger Court, signed by nine justices below their portrait. Large black and white photograph depicting the Supreme Court in robes seated or standing. The justices are Potter Stewart, Lewis F. Powell, Jr., William O. Douglas ("W O Douglas"), Thurgood Marshall, Warren E. Burger, Harry A. Blackmun, William J. Brennan ("WmJBrennanJr"), William H. Rehnquist, Byron R. White. Stamp signed by Warren E. Burger on the verso. In fine condition. The entire piece measures 11 inches by 14 inches. Accompanied by a Supreme Court of the United States visiting card, inscribed by Warren E. Burger, "For Philip Rizik with appreciation…
Price: $4,500.00 Item Number: 147471
Rare Civil War Era Naval Commission Signed by Abraham Lincoln as President
LINCOLN, Abraham; Gideon Welles.
Abraham Lincoln Signed Naval Commission.
April 21, 1864.
American naval commission signed by Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States and Gideon Welles as Secretary of the Navy. Folio, partially engraved on vellum the document is dated April 21, 1864 and promotes Charles W. Tracy to the rank of Lieutenant. In near fine condition. Matted and framed with a portrait of Lincoln and engraved plate. The Commission measures 19 inches by 16 inches. The entire piece measures 34 inches by 29.5 inches.
Price: $17,000.00 Item Number: 132067
Rare original printing of The Gazette of the United States, issued on July 29, 1789
Gazette of the United States. No. XXXI. Wednesday, July 29, 1789.
New York: John Fenno, July 29, 1789.
Rare original printing of the Gazette of the United States, issued during the presidency of George Washington on July 29, 1789. Folio, one page, folded, this issue includes a the following articles, many continued from previous issues: Sketch of the Political State of America, Original Specimens of Eloquence, Foreign and Domestic Miscellaneous Articles, and Sketches of Proceedings of Congress approved by G. Washington, President of the United States. In near fine condition.
Price: $5,500.00 Item Number: 116728
Rare limited printing of The Atlantic Charter; printed by the busy bee; one of the most important literary publishing houses in the Netherlands
[CHURCHILL, Winston S. and Franklin Delano Roosevelt].
Atlantic Charter: August 12th 1941.
Holland: The Busy Bee, c. 1944.
Rare limited Busy Bee edition of the transatlantic statement that set forth the British and American governments' mutual economic and societal goals following the end of WWII. 12mo, original wrappers as issued. One of 100 numbered copies printed in secret in the office of the Busy Bee, this is number 73. One of the most important literary publishing houses in the Netherlands, The Busy Bee, or De Bezige Bij, was founded illegally in 1943 during the German occupation of the Netherlands by publisher Geert Lubberhuizen. Initially composed of a group of students, its first publication was a poem by Jan Campert…
Price: $3,800.00 Item Number: 131557
Rare 18th Century French Nobility Patent
[DE CARRARA, Cajetau-Louis-Antoine].
18th Century French Nobility Patent.
November 13, 1710.
Rare 18th century French Patent of Nobility for Cajetau-Louis-Antoine de Carrara. Folio, bound in full velvet, the patent is comprised of five vellum leaves, the first with calligraphy within an elaborate engraved border; the third leaf with a gilt-painted armorial miniature, all edges gilt, rope bound in. Dated November 13, 1710, the patent is signed by Marie Therese, J. G. Van de Veld, F. L. Gilbert, and J. DeWitte. In very good condition.
Price: $2,750.00 Item Number: 133430
Rare 18th century Rigobert Bonne map of Florida and La Louisiane
Carte De La Louisiane Et De La Floride. [18th Century French Map of Florida].
Paris: Rigobert Bonne, [1797].
Rare 18th century map of North America by Royal Hydrographer Rigobert Bonne. One page, the engraved map extends from Illinois to Florida with one of the earliest insets of Kansas City. Born in the Lorraine region of France, French cartographer Rigobert Bonne (1727-1794) was a skilled cartographer and hydrographer and succeeded Jacques Nicolas Bellin as Royal Hydrographer at the Depot de la Marine in 1773. He published many charts for the Depot, including some of those for the Atlas Maritimeof 1762. In near fine condition. Matted and framed. The entire piece measures 17 inches by 16 inches.
Price: $600.00 Item Number: 139014
"Congratulations on a century of achievement": Photograph of Neil Armstrong; Signed by Him
Neil Armstrong Signed Photograph.
Original color photograph of Neil Armstrong, boldly inscribed by him, "To ___ ____ _____- Congratulations on a century of achievement Neil Armstrong." Double matted and framed. The entire piece measures 15.25 inches by 13.25 inches.
Price: $2,250.00 Item Number: 117575
First edition of James Thomson Callender's The American Annual Register, or, Historical Memoirs of the United States for the Year 1796
CALLENDER, James Thomson.
The American Annual Register, or, Historical Memoirs of the United States, for the Year 1796.
Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by Bioren & Madan, January 19, 1797.
First edition, first issue in book form of Callender's searing exposé. Octavo, bound in three quarter contemporary calf over marbled boards, morocco spine label lettered in gilt. In very good condition. Housed in a custom cloth chemise and half morocco slipcase. Ownership inscriptions. The first printing of this work is exceedingly scarce as it was quickly exhausted and reissued in the same year as The History of the United States For 1796.
Price: $4,000.00 Item Number: 125974
Rare Fourth American edition of Thomas Paine's Rights of Man
PAINE, Thomas.
Rights of Man: Being an Answer to Burke’s Attack on the French Revolution.
Albany: Re-Printed by Charles R. & George Webster, n.d.
Fourth American edition of Paine's classic work. Octavo, disbound. In near fine condition. A rare and desirable American separate printing.
Price: $1,600.00 Item Number: 134509
Albert Alberg's Gustavus Vasa and His Stirring Times; finely bound in full period calf
ALBERG, Albert.
Gustavus Vasa and His Stirring Times.
London: W. Swan Sonnenschein & Co, c. 1885.
Finely bound example of Alberg's biography of Gustav I of Sweden. Octavo, bound in full polished calf by Relfe Brothers of London with elaborate gilt tooling to the spine, morocco spine label lettered in gilt, gilt ruling to the front and rear panels, gilt turn-ins and inner dentelles, marbled endpapers, all edges marbled, illustrated. In very good condition. Period ownership inscription.
Price: $975.00 Item Number: 139738
Rare Photograph of the First President of Israel Chaim Weizmann's 60th Birthday Portrait; Signed by Him
[WEIZMANN, Chaim]; Sir Oswald Birley.
Chaim Weizmann Signed Photograph of his 60th Birthday Portrait.
n.p., n.d..
Rare signed photograph portrait of the future first President of Israel, Chaim Weizmann on his 60th birthday. Silver gelatin photograph of an original oil on canvas portrait of Weizmann done by British portrait artist Sir Oswald Birley in 1934 on the occasion of Weizmann's 60th birthday. Signed by Weizmann in the lower right corner, "C Weizmann." Mounted on cardboard. In very good condition with diagonal creasing across the image, minor toning to the edges. The piece measures 10 inches by 8.225 inches. The Birley portrait of Weizmann exists in the collection of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel.…
Price: $1,250.00 Item Number: 146614
Rare Autograph Letter Signed By One of the Founders of Modern Political Zionism Theodor Herzl
HERZL, Theodor.
Theodor Herzl Autograph Letter Signed.
Vienna: March 10, 1902.
Rare autograph letter signed by one of the founders of modern political Zionism. Octavo, one page on Herzl's personal stationary, the letter reads in full (translated), "Since our children's current teacher told us that it was difficult for him to find a replacement in the middle of the school year, we have decided to keep him until the exam. For next year, however, we want to entrust our children's lessons to you and will allow ourselves to inform you in good time." In very good condition with toning, splitting along the mail folds, a small loss and cello tape evidence…
Price: $4,500.00 Item Number: 147485
"I do not ask for saintly souls to help me on my way, or male and female devilkins to lead my steps astray": First edition of Reveille: Devoted to the Disabled Sailor & Soldier with contributions by Rudyard Kipling, Joseph Conrad and John Galsworthy; with an autograph letter signed by the editor John Galsworthy tipped in
KIPLING, Rudyard; Joseph Conrad; John Galsworthy; J. M. Barrie et al. Edited by John Galsworthy.
Reveille: Devoted to the Disabled Sailor & Soldier.
London: Published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, [1918].
First edition of this scarce WWII periodical dedicated to wounded soldiers and sailors, containing appearances of Rudyard Kipling's A Pilgrim's Way, John Galsworthy's The Gist of the Matter, Joseph Conrad's The First News, and J. M. Barrie's Barbara's Wedding. Octavo, original wrappers, illustrated. With an autograph letter signed by Galsworthy tipped in. In near fine condition. Housed in a custom half morocco and chemise case.
Price: $1,250.00 Item Number: 121473
First Edition of Orville J. Victor's The History, Civil, Political & Military of the Southern Rebellion
VICTOR, Orville J.
The History, Civil, Political & Military of the Southern Rebellion, From its Incipient Stages to its Close.
New York: James D. Torrey, Publisher, [1861].
Complete first edition set of one of the earliest histories of the American Civil War. Octavo, four volumes, original publisher's full pebbled morocco decorated in gilt, marbled endpapers, all edges marbled, illustrated with steel engraved plates, additional vignette title pages. frontispieces, and maps. In good condition. A rare complete set, we have never seen another one.
Price: $2,800.00 Item Number: 133063
Rare 17th century Jodocus Hondius map of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hispaniola and Jamaica
MERCATOR, Gerard; Henricus Hondius.
Cuba Insula. [17th Century Jodocus Hondius Map of Cuba].
Amsterdam: c. 1630.
Rare 17th century Jodocus Hondius map of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hispaniola and Jamaica. One page, hand-colored, the map shows the islands of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hispaniola and Jamaica with an inset of Havana and detailed embellishments of ocean waves, sea monsters and ships. In near fine condition. An excellent example of the bold and highly detailed Mercator-Hondius style of engraving.
Price: $475.00 Item Number: 138671
"Where liberty dwells there is my country": Rare copperplate-printed toile fragment from the popular eighteenth-century English pattern "The Apotheosis of Franklin and Washington"
The Apotheosis of Franklin and Washington Printed Textile.
c. 1785-1790.
Rare copperplate-printed toile fragment from the popular eighteenth-century English pattern "The Apotheosis of Franklin and Washington." The fragment features a copper-plate printed portrait of Benjamin Franklin in academic robes and his famous cap after the famed 1777 portrait of him by Jean-Baptiste holding the ends of a banner reading "Where liberty dwells there is my country." The fragment has been framed within a patterned textile border. In near fine condition. The piece measures 13.75 inches by 11.25 inches. Housed in a custom half morocco clamshell box.
Price: $2,200.00 Item Number: 139191
The Beauties of Mozart, Consisting of the most Admired Sonatas Duetts and Concertos of this Esteemed Author
MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus.
The Beauties of Mozart, Consisting of the Most Admired Sonatas Duetts and Concertos of this Esteemed Author.
London: Printed & Sold by Preston, c. 1810.
Rare edition of this compilation of Mozart's sonatas. Quarto, bound in full diced morocco, gilt titles and tooling to the spine, front and rear panels, marbled endpapers, 6 parts in 1, each part engraved throughout, titles incorporating small oval portrait vignette. In near fine condition.
Price: $8,800.00 Item Number: 143842
"The Allied Armies, through sacrifice and devotion and with God's help have wrung from Germany a final and unconditional surrender": Proclamation of Nazi Germanys Surrender; Signed by Harry Truman
TRUMAN, Harry S.
A Proclamation.
Washington, D.C: May 8, 1945.
Large three-colored broadside of Harry Truman’s Proclamation declaring the surrender of Germany, boldly signed by Harry S. Truman. Also included at the lower left is the original 1945 Christmas card from the President and Mrs. Truman and at lower right, the original red, white and blue ribbon. These were presented by the President as gifts for friends. Uncommon, especially with the original Christmas card and ribbon. Matted and framed, which measures 21 inches by 28 inches.
Price: $11,500.00 Item Number: 4419
Gazette of the United States. No.XXXVII. Wednesday, August 19, 1789.
New York: John Fenno, Wednesday, August 19, 1789.
Rare original printing of the Gazette of the United States, issued during the presidency of George Washington on August 19, 1789. Folio, one page, folded, this issue includes a the following articles, many continued from previous issues: Extract of a Letter on Weights, The Bow, By Express From Paris, and Sketches of the Proceedings of Congress in the House of the Representatives of the United States, an Act for the Establishment of Lighthouses, Beacons, Buoys, and Public Piers approved by George Washington as President of the United States, and the obituary of George Washington Knox. In very good condition with…
Price: $5,500.00 Item Number: 116518
First edition of James Goodwin's Burwash and the Sussex Weald
GOODWIN, James [Rudyard Kipling].
Burwash and the Sussex Weald. (“An English History in Miniature.”).
Turnbridge Wells: Printed for the Author by The Courier Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd., n.d.
First edition of work on the history and landscape of the Sussex Weald where Rudyard Kipling resided from 1902 until his death in 1936. Octavo, original cloth, illustrated. In very good condition.
Price: $25.00 Item Number: 136107
Nineteenth Century Engraved Map of Asia by American cartographers Nathaniel and Simeon Smith Jocelyn
JOCELYN, Nathaniel and Simeon Smith.
Asia. [Nathaniel and Simeon Smith Jocelyn Nineteenth Century Engraved Map of Asia].
c. 1825.
Rare hand-colored engraved map of Asia by American cartographers Nathaniel and Simeon Smith Jocelyn. One page, hand-colored. In very good condition. Matted and framed. The entire piece measures 13 inches by 11.5 inches.
Price: $500.00 Item Number: 137394
Rare 19th Century American Map of Florida
19th Century American Map of Florida.
Chicago: People's Publishing Co, [c. 1890].
19th century American map of the state of Florida. One page, the map shows a detailed view of the stated divided by county and includes an inset of the North-western portion of Florida. In near fine condition. Matted and framed. The entire piece measures 21.5 inches by 17.25 inches.
Price: $750.00 Item Number: 139015
THOMSON, Charles. [George Washington].
George Washington’s Commission as General and Commander in Chief of the Army of the United Colonies.
Philadelphia: June 19, 1775.
One of only two originals of George Washington's Commission as General and Commander in Chief of the Army of the United Colonies; the Ahlstrom discovery, the only duplicate of Washington's own document now in the Library of Congress. One-page, oblong folio on sheepskin vellum, autograph document signed, entirely in the hand of Charles Thomson Secretary of the Continental Congress (including the signature of John Hancock which Thomson copied from the original document), appointing George Washington as General and Commander in Chief of the army of the United Colonies, Philadelphia, 19 June 1775. The document reads in full, "In Congress The…
Price: $975,000.00 Item Number: 145372
Rare Gavel Made From the 1950 Truman White House Reconstruction
Rare Gavel Made From the 1950 Truman White House Reconstruction.
c. 1950.
Rare Gavel Made From Relinquished Materials From the 1950 Truman White House Reconstruction. The wooden gavel was made from original materials removed from the White House during its reconstruction in 1950 under the Truman administration. Much of the interior was reconstructed over a two year period. The gavel features a plaque engraved, ''Original White House Material Removed in 1950'' with the Great Seal of the United States at center. The piece measures 10.5 inches by 3 inches with a 2 inches diameter. In fine condition.
Price: $3,000.00 Item Number: 146591
Scarce Printing of David Ben-Gurinon's The Yishuv and the Zionist Struggle Now
The Yishuv and the Zionist Struggle Now.
Jerusalem: [Hashiloah Printing Press], April 1947.
Scarce printing of this address, delivered by David Ben-Gurion at the Session of the Vaad Leumi held in Jerusalem on April 1, 1947. Thin octavo, original wrappers. In very good condition with light toning to the first and last few leaves, institutional stamps to the title page. Rare.
Price: $1,800.00 Item Number: 146792
Rare collection of Rough Riders Photographs and Documents; Twice signed and inscribed by Theodore Roosevelt
ROOSEVELT, Theodore.
Theodore Roosevelt Rough Riders Era Document Collection.
c. 1898.
Rare collection of original signed documents and photographs taken during President Theodore Roosevelt's days as Colonel of the 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry, or Rough Riders. The collection includes an original mounted photograph of Roosevelt in full uniform with his campaign hat; two cabinet card photographs of Albert S. Johnson, a member of the Cavalry; an endorsement dated September 7, 1998 which reads in part, "This officer did not serve in Cuba but remained in Florida with the squadron left behind" signed, "T. Roosevelt" which is affixed to the verso of of Albert S. Johnson's 5 September 1898 application for 60-days leave;…
Price: $12,500.00 Item Number: 95371
Rare Original Photograph of Associate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor administering the vice presidential oath of office to Dan Quayle; Signed by both O'Connor and Quayle
O'CONNOR, Sandra Day and Dan Quayle.
Sandra Day O’Connor and Dan Quayle Signed Photograph.
January 20, 1989.
Rare original photograph of Associate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor administering the vice presidential oath of office to Dan Quayle. Signed by Sandra Day O'Connor and inscribed by Dan Quayle, "Rami Lasman With Best Wishes - Dan Quayle." In fine condition.
Price: $1,500.00 Item Number: 101584
“The Body of Benjamin FRANKLIN Printer, Like the Covering of an Old Book Its contents torn out and stript of its Lettering and Gilding, Lies Here, Food for Worms": Scarce first edition of Nathaniel Ames' 1771 Almanack, containing the first known printing of Benjamin Franklin's famous epitaph
AMES, Nathaniel. [Benjamin Franklin].
An Astronomical Diary or Almanack, for the Year of Our Lord Christ 1771.
Boston: Printed and Sold by the Printers and Booksellers, [1770].
First edition of Nathaniel Ames' 1771 Almanack, containing the first known printing of "the most famous of American epitaphs" (Mark Van Doren). 12mo, original wrappers stitched as issued. In very good condition. Housed in a custom cloth chemise and half morocco slipcase. An exceptional example of this scarce early almanac.
Price: $3,500.00 Item Number: 125283
Scarce first edition and only printing of Martin Luther King and The Montgomery Story; signed by both Martin Luther King and Coretta Scott King
HASSLER, Alfred and Benton Resnik. [Martin Luther King Jr.; Coretta Scott King].
Martin Luther King and The Montgomery Story: How 50,000 Negroes Found a New Way to End Racial Discrimination.
Nyack, N.Y: The Fellowship of Reconciliation, [1957].
First and only edition of this highly influential and historic comic book used to teach the tactics and power of nonviolent resistance during the Civil Rights Movement. Quarto, original pictorial wrappers, the text is presented as a graphic novel illustrated in color. Boldly signed by Martin Luther King on the front panel, "Best Wishes Martin L. King" and additionally signed by Coretta Scott King. With annotations in blue pen noting that King signed the book in 1958 and Coretta in 1985. Illustrated by Sy Barry, text by John Duffy. In very good condition. Very rare. Copies of the original comic…
Price: $25,000.00 Item Number: 138337